
One- minute exercises to stay healthy ( the news of Bangladesher

এক মিনিটের ব্যায়ামে সুস্থ থাকুন
One- minute exercises to stay healthyExercise is very important for all of us . When they are young and easily your body is refreshed . My body is aniyameo of roach . When you begin to get a little old , but he is going to do ? As body weight - even with all the irregularities that will take your body and then the routine is not the way raibe .Youth who have gone through or towards the end of the exercise you need them more than most . But I was busy with the daily lives of countless people in our bhire the exercise was not . Exercise advice to everyone is exactly the same excuse , " Where is the time ? " We do not exercise too much time or trouble . Daily exercise has been a lot of hours to come easily . If you do not have an hour ? So you have a minute , that is enough !
Researchers at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City promosane American Journal of Health revealed that one -minute exercises are the most beneficial . So much nonsense do we have to spend a minute ! Why do not exercise - can give the excuse that they can not spend a minute of time .I have the opportunity to receive the work besides besides exercise a minute . The advantage of the opportunity . This way of living has narrowly office ? The bus was going to leave her behind and ran away from the track ! Work on the building is to go to another floor ? Bhanguna lift off the stairs with .Exercises that put you in any trouble for fighting but because of the loss of a certain amount of calories that will benefit the sensation you get after a few days ! The minutes of the exercise , which can ghantatei , then I do not think !Her tendency to fat , diabetes , heart disease , cancer , liver problems , kidney problems , and to reduce the exercise does not pair . We decline to exercise our stay so much easier .Americans tend to have plenty of fat in the heart of the country, the Department of Health and Human Services in the 0 to 59 -year-old citizen of inspiration for at least 150 minutes per week of exercise .It is advised to exercise three times a day for 10 minutes and universal enough to be free from the disease and reduce weight . Everybody adhere to the 4 percent fewer people . Why ? The excuse . The reason this is important to the current study . The research leading economists kyatherina yika deeper look at the issue in more .18 to 64 years old, and they 're four and a half thousand people watching practice exercises , one minute long, but it is stressed that the exercise to improve their health as well as playing a positive role . However, their emphasis khatate egulote quite as loudly as running or jumping jumping the broken stairs ." This study is a small amount to maintain a healthy body weight exercises is useful if it is to be stressed out , such as walking or running , stairs, broken or darilapha game " , said the researchers involved in this study JC fan .The information obtained from this study does not mean that you need to exercise one 's laurels bhasabena minutes . This is the minimum amount of exercise . For busy people who can not exercise their right to apply for it . The exercises can spend an hour a day if it is the best for you . The lack of exercise is not going to be - that is the excuse to cancel the order day !

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